ReproConnect - Intermittent issues with AWS – Incident details

All systems operational

Intermittent issues with AWS

Degraded performance
Started almost 3 years agoLasted about 10 hours


Planroom websites

Degraded performance from 4:00 PM to 2:30 AM

Document viewing

Degraded performance from 4:00 PM to 2:30 AM

Electronic bidding

Degraded performance from 4:00 PM to 2:30 AM

  • Resolved
  • Monitoring

    Within the past few hours we've seen most AWS services recover. We are now at the point where all planroom functionality appears to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor and verify operations.

  • Identified

    AWS has acknowledged they are experiencing increased errors on their end that are impacting multiple services. The issues still appear to be sporadic.

    You may see some recently uploaded files that aren't converting properly for the viewer, or you may hit an error when uploading files to projects on the planroom. We are also seeing some errors when users try to download files.

    We continue to monitor the situation closely. AWS reports they are working on a resolution.

  • Investigating

    We are seeing sporadic issues with AWS across multiple services. Your customers might be intermittently getting error messages with logins, uploading or downloading files, and other actions.

    We will update this incident when we have more information.